The Anfal determinant criterion and its proportion with other titles of public ownership



Anfal is a general and pervasive term which includes extensive range of properties with different characteristics. Mountains-forests-pastures-waste lands- seas and lakes-mines-oil and gas-animal resource(aquatic or non aquatic)- heritages without heir-booty and ….
The question that this article is intended to find complete answer is “what is the special characteristic of Anfal that distinguish them from other properties? what is the determinant criterion of Anfal?”
Answering to this question is dependant to explaining the ratio between Anfal and other titles of public ownership. Because pay attention to instances of other titles of public ownership illustrate some instances of Anfal has described as other public properties.
In this research after studying lexical and idiomatic meaning of Anfal we will analyze submitted definitions and then demonstrate that determinant criterion of Anfal is “lack of special owner” and then present comprehensive definition of Anfal. In this way we prove that proportion between Anfal and public properties is match and other titles of public ownership are subset of Anfal.
