public contracts in Iran law: The survey of specifications



The kind of contracts of government and public organisations that relates public affaires, That named public or administrative contracts , are very important to fulfil legal duties of government, and Public Contracts are new forms of providing public welfare, And Management of public services, that are based on consenting instead of being authoritarian, but had been studied less in iran law because of some reasons.
Due attention to necessity of this kind of contracts, The purpose of this article is considering what indicators are in Iranian legal system to recognize administrative contracts. So must be answered these questions: Are administrative contracts properly definited ? What specific indicators are acceptable for administrative and public contracts in Iranian law ? In Iranian law, These contracts are not recognized and identificated perfectly from other government contracts.
I study this research in three chapters, in first, definition secondly, history, importance and in third chapter specifications of administrative (or public contracts) in Iran legal system.
