Analyze of method and basis documentation for ruls and religious law in prosecutor's offices and special spirituality courts



prosecutor's offices and special sprituality courts furthermore that have jurisdiction to investigate all crims and opposite dignity actions of priests, in the special cases have jurisdiction to investigate that civil claims opposite priests.
Because of jurisdiction expansion these to investigate that different crims, civil claims and various individuals under liability and also rise and down this Organization in all activity years sinc Start up to now and positive or negative reflexs between priests or lawyers it is unavoidable for most attention and knovledge to this special judgemental organization.
The first foundation to investigate in all judgemental organizations is laws documentation but in the special cases and in secondary position,
We can to refer religious source. this to be prior to law and in secondary
Religious documenation in iran's law changes in the legal procedure of prosecutors off ice and special spirituality courts.
At first time with converse rotation religious law documenation had priority and then in the future correction change to traverse relation and religious sources and acts for documenation priority had transverse.
