Analysis of the Basis of Liability based on Production

Document Type : Research Article


Professor, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


The basis of liability based on production is one of the key issues that must be determined in the light of economic and market policy and the approach of the legal system to justice on the one hand and balancing the interest of consumers in having access to safe products with the interest of producers or the aims of responsibility on the other. In spite of the necessity to regard these factors in order to determine the appropriate base theory, at first, like general civil liability, it was cited fault for justifying the product responsibility, but due to the ambiguity in the concept of fault, and its being of behavior characteristic and as well as the impossibility of proving it by the consumer, it was referred to the defect theory or the strict liability. This was a transformation from regarding behavior to the outcome, but this theory also failed to cover all aspects of the legal duties and obligations of a manufacturer. Therefore, the theory of security and stability of the market for procuring customer trust and protecting national economic interest is the proper theory that as the basis of liability based on production can cover all legal aspects of the subject and obligations of manufacturer.


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