Concept and Procedure of Indivisibility of Litigation and Judgment

Document Type : Research Article


Associate Professor, Private & Islamic Department, Faculty of Law & Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The concepts and procedure in “Indivisible Litigation” and “Indivisible Judgment” in Iran are very vague. It is not found even a simple definition for the indivisibility or divisibility in the law in order to find the concept and the examples of divisible litigation and divisible judgment. This is also a matter of judicial proceedings and case law in our legal system. When the question is about separation of a part of a litigation this is the case of divisible litigation but when the case is effects of a judgment on other parties of the litigation that have not participated in way of attack on judgment, the case is related to the indivisibility of judgment. The theory of representation between parties is not fully accepted in French Law. In our legal system extending the effects of judgment has been accepted which is proximate to agency theory.


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