Compensation and Requirement: The Base of Interaction and Respect

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Energy Law and International Trade, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


In the following research, one of the important rules of jurisprudence has been studied, its proofs have been cited in the Book, Tradition, Reason, and Consensus, and the opinions of jurists have been presented in this regard, and results have been reached in the field of conflict resolution of religious rulings and even topical laws. According to the rule of obligation, not only the followers of religions and denominations can be required to adhere to their beliefs and requirements, but also the effects of correctness can be applied to their actions where it is related to them. Another point is that the proofs of the rule are connected to the public and the way of thinkers also includes adherence to the subject laws of human beings towards each other. Another finding of this study is that the mentioned rule can be deduced by referring to the Book. Jurists such as Sheikh Tusi, Ibn Idris, Allameh Helli, Seyyed 'Ali Tabatabaie, Feiz Kashani, Maraghi and Naraqi have cited the rule in many cases. The number of hadiths related to the rule is also high enough to trust the issuance of the narration, especially on the basis of those who consider it sufficient to trust the issuance of a single report. Obligation has been considered in different jurisprudence chapters, regardless of the open or closed point of view of jurists, and if we are not satisfied with the rule of obligation, we can use two rules close to it, one is the rule of compensation and the other is the rule of acknowledgment and respect. The compensation is of two types: first, personal compensation that is created between two people; Second, general compensation is a kind of conflict and compensation between Muslims and polytheists, not between one person and another person, which is performed about both the obligator and the obligated. It should be mentioned that this article is organized in the framework of traditional and dynamic jurisprudence and with a descriptive-analytical method.


Main Subjects

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