Legal Analysis of Article 24 of Permanent rules of Development Plans Act of the country (Islamic Republic of Iran): Manage of economic interest group

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty of Law, Political Science and History, Campus of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Faculty of Law, Tarbiyat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Since 2016,Article 24 of the Law on Permanent Provisions of the Country's Development Plans and before that Article 107 of the Law on the Fifth Development Plan have been considered as the source of identifying the economic interest group in the Iranian legal system. The institution,which according to the mentioned article is considered as a partnership without legal personality,has a framework and rules for formation,management, liquidation and liquidation. In this article, after examining the history of legislation on this institution in the country and comparing it with other similar concepts,by descriptive-analytical method,the provisions of this article are analyzed solely for the administration and management structure of this and based on jurisprudential and legal rules. And its various dimensions, including the members' assembly and its rules,group management and related issues, and finally the profit and loss of the group's activities and how it is divided,examined and explained, and tried to address the ambiguities of the article with Reasonable analysis should be compensated according to the rules of the company contract subject to civil law and general rules. Also, in each section and as the case may be,Council Regulation on the European Economic Interest Grouping and the French commercial law have been mentioned and compared.


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