Legal Consequences of Benefiting from the Creativity of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Creation of Literary and Artistic Works

Document Type : Research Article


Department of the research group of jurisprudence and Islamic Law, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran



The development of artificial intelligence and the strengthening of some features of this technology have made significant changes in various aspects of law. One of the most important features of the aforementioned is the increase in creativity that has led to the realization of Generative artificial intelligence. Generative artificial intelligence, with its special nature of creativity, can play a role in various fields, including the creation of literary and artistic works. Considering the participation of artificial intelligence in the creation of works, it is necessary to examine the legal consequences of such participation. To achieve this goal, the present research, with a descriptive-analytical approach and utilizing the comparative method, by clarifying the nature of creativity and explaining the role of Generative artificial intelligence in the creation of works, has raised several legal consequences. Regardless of other issues, the challenges related to the attribution of ownership, the challenges related to granting personality to artificial intelligence, and issues related to the complexities of legislation are among the most important legal consequences of this issue. According to this research, there are different solutions, including the definition of sui generis intellectual property rights, granting limited personality to artificial intelligences, and finally benefiting from the experience of other legal systems regarding the flow of related laws and regulations and defining the necessary criteria.


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