Ownership and Natural Benefit of Money: A Theory to Reform the Banking System

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Private Law, Law School, Mofid University, Qom, Iran



Resulting law on Banking Operations without Usury, approved on 10/06/1362, was not part of formal transactions for banking. The designers of this law, without understanding the nature of banking, built a structure where the bank acts as a businessman to earn profit. A structure that is contrary to the function and expertise of banking. Such a structure is rooted in a view that does not distinguish between "natural interest of money" and "usury". In this article, this point of view is evaluated, and it is proved that money is assigned to that benefit in the course of time according to the natural course of affairs; "Benefit" that is different from "usury" and "decreasing the purchasing power of money". Therefore, the depositor's money is deposited to the acquiring bank and the "owner" bank of the deposited funds, and the banks can pay the interest of the money to the depositor without involving themselves in contentless contracts based on the deposit agreement. Based on the loan contract, they can receive the principal and interest from the recipient of the facility.


Main Subjects

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