A Look at DABUS Case: An Outlook toward the Future Patent System

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Theology & Political Science, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law & Political Science, University of Tehran, Visiting Professor in Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



Artificial Intelligence, as one of the most important grounds of new technologies, infiltrates all aspects of human being life. one of these aspects is the inventions created by artificial intelligence, and this question will arise that if artificial intelligence would benefit legal rights of inventions? what is the necessity of recognition of this legal right, and what are the challenges of recognition in the framework of traditional system of intellectual property law? The current article studies the possibility of inventorship of artificial intelligence, with a focus on DABUS, the famous case in which DABUS is named as an inventor in a  patent application. The current research tries to examine the possibility of reconciling the requirements of invention patentability with the specifications of artificial intelligence, and investigate the possibility of inventorship and ownership of artificial intelligence using an analytical-descriptive method while addressing the process of DABUS case. Although DABUS patent applications have thus far failed in most legal systems, most requirements of patentability coincide with the features of artificial intelligence. Even Civil law countries acknowledge that originality cannot be assessed according to artistic quality, and it is necessary to apply different standards of originality for different types of works. Thus, the basis of IP protection should be reviewed. This study concludes that the recognition of DABUS as an inventor in some international patent offices can be the beginning of making changes in new patent system and also the recognition of other legal rights, namely the personality right of artificial intelligence.


Main Subjects

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